November 6-10 2017 - Hotel Cenobio dei Dogi
Camogli - Genova - Portofino Coast - Italy
The 11st International Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis (EIA11) is the next link of well established chain of EIA conferences held every three years. This edition in organized by DICCA-University of Genoa and ICMATE-National Research Council - Italy.
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful technique for investigating the mechanisms of electrochemical reactions and charge transport properties of various materials in different environments. EIS relates to almost all scientific disciplines, ranging from physical, organic, and analytical chemistry to biology and medicine. EIS registers important contributions in current and innovative fields such as electrocatalysis, corrosion, sensors, dielectrics, semiconductors, as well as in the rapidly growing areas of nanomaterials and nanotechnology, energy conversion, and storage.
The purpose of EIA11 is to provide a common platform for scientists and experts to share knowledge and ideas, to create a friendly environment for fruitful creative discussions on impedance data analysis, which is the crucial step in every electrochemical impedance spectroscopy investigation. Students and junior scientists are welcome and encouraged to participate.