The Enrico Fermi Schools are a highly prestigious series of summer schools of the Italian Physical Society with a tradition of more than 60 years and with many Nobel laureates as lecturers ( The International Schools devote special care in planning the program and produces proceedings of the school that have become classics.
The school "Advances in Thermoelectricity: Foundational Issues, Materials, and Nanotechnology” aims to provide students with a modern vision of the physics of thermoelectric phenomena. The rapid growth of the field will be displayed throughout the lectures. Moving from the thermodynamics of thermoelectricity and from the physics of transport processes, the School will offer students a path that will show how materials structure and nanostructure along with defects have been used to tailor the physical properties of advanced thermoelectrics. Special attention will also be placed on hot research areas, from spin-caloritronics to charge transport in polymers – and to a selected number of applications for heat recovery as well.
Our colleague ICMATE Dr. Carlo Fanciulli, is the Scientific Secretary of the School and will be a School Lecturer.