Adelaide Nespoli

Adelaide Nespoli

Informazioni di contatto
Adelaide Nespoli
+39 0341 2350 - int. 116
"author": "M. Elahinia, M. Nematollahi, K. S. Baghbaderani, A. Nespoli, F. Stortiero",
"title": "Manufacturing of shape memory alloys",
"url": "",
"journal": "Shape Memory Alloy Engineering For Aerospace, Structural, and Biomedical Applications (Second Edition)",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2021, Pages 165-193 chapter 6"
"author": "F. Stortiero, A. Nespoli",
"title": "Design and industrial manufacturing of shape memory alloy components",
"url": "",
"journal": "Shape Memory Alloy Engineering For Aerospace, Structural, and Biomedical Applications (Second Edition)",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2021, Pages 455-484 chapter 13"
"author": "A. Nespoli, A. M. Grande, N. Bennato, D. Rigamonti, P. Bettini, E. Villa, G. Sala, F. Passaretti",
"title": "Towards an understanding of the functional properties of NiTi produced by powder bed fusion",
"url": "",
"journal": "Prog. Addit. Manuf. (2020)",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": ""
"author": "A. Nespoli, F. Berti, L. Petrini, G. Pennati, E. Villa, F. Passaretti",
"title": "Fatigue life characterization and modeling of a Ni–Ti snake-like element for mini actuation",
"url": "",
"journal": "Smart Mater. Struct. (2020) 29, 095018",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": ""
"author": "F. Berti, A. Nespoli, E. Villa, V. Dallolio, F. Passaretti, G. Pennati, F. Migliavacca, L. Petrini",
"title": "Nickel-Titanium self-knotting suture wire for deep surgical field: A validated numerical model",
"url": "",
"journal": "Mater. Today Comm. (2020) 24, 101038",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": ""

Laureata in Ingegneria Biomedica (Indirizzo Tecnologico Industriale) nel 2003/2004 al Politecnico di Milano con lavoro di tesi su una nuova procedura di calibrazione delle DPOAE (distortion product otoacoustic emission).

Attività lavorativa e campi di ricerca

Dal 2004, lavora presso il CNR-ICMATE Unità di Lecco come ricercatrice focalizzando la propria ricerca sulle leghe a memoria di forma, la loro caratterizzazione e la loro applicazione in sensori e attuatori in diversi ambiti di applicazione (aeronautico, civile, biomedicale). Ha partecipato a diversi progetti nazionali e collabora con diverse aziende del territorio per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti. Dal 2012 si occupa anche di tecnologie additive quali FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) and SLM (Selective Laser Melting).

Formation and Studies

She graduated in Bioengineering (Technological and Industrial course of studies) in 2003/04 at Politecnico di Milano presenting a thesis dealing with a new calibration procedure of distortion product otoacoustic emissions.

Competeces and Research fields

Since 2004, she is involved in materials research at the CNR-ICMTE Lecco Unit focusing on Shape Memory Alloys, their characterization and their applications in sensors and actuators for the aeronautical, civil and biomedical fields, also collaborating with several companies in developing new smart devices. Since 2012 she is also involved in FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) and SLM (Selective Laser Melting) processes.