Il CNR partner del Consorzio FriendEurope co-organizza l’evento internazionale Life Science Partnering 2021: 21 settembre 2021

Life Science Partnering 2021: 21 September 2021 Austria
The international Life Science Partnering 2021 in Innsbruck connects Life Science academia with industry. Both scientists and companies have the opportunity to present industrially-relevant scientific findings and identify interesting areas of cooperation.
Following the success of 2019, the international Life Science Partnering 2021 provides the ideal network platform to find project partners with focus on Life Science Engineering and Health Technology. The Life Science Partnering 2021 is organized by Standortagentur Tirol, Life Science Cluster Tirol and Enterprise Europe Network.
Attending the conference is free of charge - registration for the event is mandatory!
Review Life Science Partnering 2019
Scientists and companies from Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Turkey and Austria joined the second edition of the Life Science Partnering in Innsbruck. More than 60 participants from various fields of Life Science exchanged ideas of future technologies and established contacts with new partners.
Keynote lectures by Prof. Dr. Gaia Novarino (IST Austria, Klosterneuburg) and Thomas Kanzler (QUS Sports, sanSirro GmbH, Graz) provided an insight into exciting research projects. Afterwards, in a series of 5-minute pitches researchers and industry representatives had the opportunity to pitch their project. Dr. Ulrich Hausmann from the Innsbruck-based startup Optronia GmbH, which specializes in the development of optical sensors, was delighted to receive the audience award for the best pitch.
In the afternoon participants used the matchmaking session organised by the Enterprise Europe Network, for bilateral talks. In a total of 47 international and 45 national meetings, which were booked in advanced, the participants were able to exchange ideas with potential cooperation partners in 15-minutes slots.
Registration is open at: