Paola Bassani

Paola Bassani

Informazioni di contatto
Paola Bassani
+39 0341 2350 - int. 110
"author": "C.A. Biffi, P. Bassani, M. Nematollahi, N. Shayesteh Moghaddam, A. Amerinatanzi, M.J. Mahtabi, M. Elahinia and A. Tuissi",
"title": "Effect of Ultrasonic Nanocrystal Surface Modification on the Microstructure and Martensitic Transformation of Selective Laser Melted Nitinol",
"url": "",
"journal": "Materials 2019",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "12, 3068"
"author": "C.A. Biffi, J. Fiocchi, P. Bassani, A. Tuissi",
"title": "Continuous wave vs pulsed wave laser emission in selective laser melting of AlSi10Mg parts with industrial optimized process parameters: Microstructure and mechanical behavior",
"url": "",
"journal": "Additive Manufacturing",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "24 (2018) 639-646"
"author": "M. Coduri, C. A. Biffi, P. Bassani and A. Tuissi",
"title": "Role of defectivity on the crystallography of martensitic transformations in Ti50Ni40Cu10: an XRD investigation",
"url": "",
"journal": "Z. Kristallogr.",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2018; 233(5): 337–348"
"author": "J. Fiocchi, A. Tuissi, P. Bassani, C.A. Biffi",
"title": "Low temperature annealing dedicated to AlSi10Mg selective laser melting products",
"url": "",
"journal": "Journal of Alloys and Compounds",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "695, (2017), 3402-3409"
"author": "E. Gariboldi, P. Bassani, M.Albu, F. Hofer",
"title": "Presence of silver in the strengthening particles of an Al-Cu-Mg-Si-Zr-Ti-Ag alloy during severe overaging and creep",
"url": "",
"journal": "Acta Materialia",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "125 (2017) 50e57"

Laureata in Ingegneria dei Materiali al Politecnico di Milano, ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria Metallurgica presso il Politecnico di Torino.

Attività lavorativa e campi di ricerca

Si occupa principalmente dello studio della microstruttura di materiali metallici, sia tradizionali che innovativi tra cui in particolare le leghe a memoria di forma (leghe NiTi e ottoni a memoria di forma). Ha approfondito in particolare le tecniche di caratterizzazione tramite microscopia elettronica e analisi mediante Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). Per quanto riguarda le leghe a memoria di forma, oltre alle fasi di caratterizzazione microstrutturale, anche attraverso tecniche calorimetriche, si è occupata anche delle fasi di produzione del materiale, di trasformazione e lavorazione. E’ coautrice di oltre 50 pubblicazioni su riviste ISI.

Paola Bassani is CNR researcher since 2005. She graduated in Materials Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and was awarded a Metallurgical Engineering Ph.D. from Politecnico di Torino.

Work and research fields

Her main research field is microstructural characterization of innovative metallic materials, among which shape memory alloys (NiTi based and Copper based shape memory alloys). The interest for NiTi drove her research also to innovative production routes, among which porous and bulk metallic materials production through Self-propagating High temperature Synthesis (SHS). Besides production and transformation, she also deepened microstructural characterization of metallic materials (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, termogravimetric testing, mechanical testing). More recently she was involved in advanced microstructural characterization also of additive manufactured metals, through different electron microscopy techniques, in particular Electron backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). She is co-author of more than 50 papers.