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Project name:MODULA - Luminescence modulation in ferroelectric materials driven by external physical stimuli
ICMATE involved researchers:Vincenzo Buscaglia (project coordinator)
Maria Teresa Buscaglia
Giovanna Canu
Enrico Casamassa
Gregorio Bottaro
Starting date, ending date and duration:February 2020 - February 2022 (24 months)
Project funding:Fondazione Compagnia di Sanpaolo www.compagniadisanpaolo.it
Link:Web Site: www.icmate.cnr.it/progetti/modula
The modulation of luminescence emission through external fields and stimuli has a significant application potential for light sources with variable colour and intensity as well as optical memories, switches and sensors. The main goal of the project is the fabrication of ferroelectric materials whose photoluminescence emission can be modulated in intensity, colour, etc. by the application of external physical stimuli, such as an electric field or a temperature variation. Moreover, the project aims at clarifying the fundamental mechanism behind the modulation process.
The materials will be developed both in bulk form (dense ceramics) and as thin films and, in the final part of project, we intend to assemble a simple thin film device to demonstrate the validity of the proposed idea.
The project is led by ICMATE-CNR and involves the institute SPIN-CNR www.spin.cnr.it

Project name:INSURFCAST - Innovative Surfaces for Superalloys Casting Processes
ICMATE involved researchers:Fabrizio Valenza
Maria Luigia Muolo
Alberto Passerone (ASSOCIATE STAFF)
Gabriele Cacciamani (ASSOCIATE STAFF)
Starting date, ending date and duration:October 01, 2017 - September 30, 2021 (48 months)
Project funding:Research programme funded within the EU-H2020 - ERA-LEARN support action, M-ERA.NET Joint Call 2016, Reference Number: project4165
INSURFCAST aims at finding new solutions for precision investment casting processes of complex-shaped superalloy blades through the understanding of the solid-liquid phenomena occurring at the alloy-mould interface leading to the design, engineering and application of innovative mould surfaces. The innovation objective is the reduction of expensive operations of finishing after casting and blades rejections or failure. INSURFCAST involves Italian (CNR-ICMATE and University of Genoa – Chemistry Department) and Polish (Łukasiewicz – Krakow Institute of Technology) research laboratories using several advanced experimental and theoretical methods, in strict synergy and interaction with the metal casting industry (Specodlew – Poland). These innovative results will be obtained through specific wetting tests, microstructural and microchemical characterization of surfaces and interfaces as well as by thermodynamic modelling of the reactivity in selected alloy-ceramic coating systems. Technological trials and post-processing analysis of castings and moulds will lead to optimized casting processes.
The role of the ICMATE-CNR can be resumed in the following points:
- Project coordination.
- High-temperature wetting experiments involving liquid superalloys and ceramic materials used for casting.
- Microstructural characterization of metal-ceramic interfaces.

Project name:INNOSMAD - New materials and solutions for vibration damping
ICMATE involved researchers:
Starting date, ending date and duration:January 22, 2019 - January 22, 2021 (24 months)
Project funding:Interreg Italia-Svizzera
Link:Interreg IT-CH Web Site: interreg-italiasvizzera.eu/database_progetti/innosmadFacebook: @interregITCHTwitter: @interreg_IT_CH

Project name:MAPS - Multimaterials for Adapted Prosthetic Sockets
ICMATE involved researchers:
Starting date, ending date and duration:June 27, 2017 - June 26, 2020 (36 months)
Project funding:Agreement Inail Centro Protesi e Istituto ICMATE-CNR PDT 4/1, Ref. number ICMATE 620 of 15/03/2017
Links:Web Site: lecco-rehab.it/2018/04/20/progetto-maps
The MAPS project aims to develop new materials and multi-material structures that can be customised for upper limb prosthetics. The use of multifunctional systems integrated in the socket of the prosthesis will improve the performance, ergonomics and comfort of these devices.
The project, coordinated by Dr. Simone Pittaccio, has CNR-ICMATE at Lecco as its leading institution and as project partner: CNR IPCB, TEDH Politecnico di Milano- Polo territoriale di Lecco and Univerlecco

Project name:TARANTO - Technology And pRocesses for the Abatement of pollutaNts and the remediation of conTaminated sites with raw materials recovery and production of energy tOtally green.
ICMATE involved researchers:
Starting date, ending date and duration:November 22, 2018 - May 21, 2022 (42 months)
Project funding:Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca. PON research project, Research and Innovation 2014-2020 Application cod. ARS01_00637.
The project aims at the development of an ensemble of technologies suitable to generate renewable energy, and consequently achieve remediation effects in the polluted environmental compartments, thus favouring circular economy and decarbonization practices. The proposed innovative technologies intend to promote efficiency, transforming wastes (waste water, sludge, biomass from remediation) in renewable energy sources, stimulating a profound reconsideration of how to produce and use energy and doing business.
The role of ICMATE-CNR unit can be resumed in the following points:
- Synthesis and characterization of TiO2-based nanostructured photocatalysts for pollutants degradation in water matrix
- Investigation of the photocatalytic properties of synthetized nanomaterials
- Preparation of catalysts supported on solid matrices
- Chemical-physical characterization