Project name:EMPATIA@Lecco - EMpowerment del PAzienTe In cAsa
ICMATE involved researchers:
Starting date, ending date and duration:January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2021 (49 months)
Project funding:Lombardy Region and Cariplo Foundation - Major Emblematic Disbursements 2016 - ref. 2016-1428.
Links:Web Site: www.leccolivinglab.com/en/progetti
The EMPATIA@Lecco Project is the third chapter of a targeted action on neuromuscular rehabilitation in the Lecco area. The project includes technological innovation actions aimed at patients’ empowerment with the development of innovative device prototypes and new methods of assessment, co-designed together by technological and clinical partners. The main focus is on advanced orthotics and prosthetics, aids, robotics, virtual and augmented reality, multifunctional materials and biomaterials, electronic and sensor systems, control and communication systems and FabLabs for the production of personalised devices.
The technologies to be developed are subdivided into:
- orthotic devices
- robotic devices
- virtual environments
These technologies will be analyzed and experimented clinically to test their true impact on patients’ lives. A transversal action will integrate the project results into the Lecco Living Lab (LILL), with the aim of implementing new co-desing actions, sharing the present competences, and the achieved progresses.
ICMATE, Lecco unit will deal in detail with:
- the development of multimaterial orthoses and composite materials based on SMA alloys;
- the development of sensorised robotic systems for neurorehabilitation;
- miniaturised dampers for personal aids;
- cellular materials for robotic and orthotic components and new materials for the control of the human-machine interface.
Furthermore, ICMATE Lecco will carry out coordination tasks in the “Cabina di Regia”, the main instrument for managing the project and as the scientific leader of the “Technology Innovations” Work Package. Finally, ICMATE will act as reference, in terms of administrative management, for all the CNR Institutes participating in the Project.