This research activity is performed in the frame of the EUROFUSION (European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy), Work Package WPMAT – Task EDDI research project and deals with mechanical characterization at high temperatures of materials to be used in the fusion reactor ITER (International Thermonucleat Experimental Reactor) in Cadarache (France).
This activity, which started in 2014, includes a number of high temperature tests (tensile, creep, low cycle fatigue, thermo-mechanical fatigue and creep-fatigue tests) to be carried out on structural materials for ITER. Materials to be tested are steels with reduced activation alloying elements (EUROFER 97/1, /2) and other alloys, such as CuCrZr alloys, whose chemical composition and heat treatment schedule have to be tuned to get the best high temperature performance for divertor components.
These data are needed for three main reasons:
- Material Database completion for mechanical characterization of structural standard reduced activation steels, through testing these materials in conditions in ITER and not yet investigated;
- Qualification of non-standard materials such as CuCrZr allloys;
- Modelling and assessment of materials behaviour under service condition in the nuclear reactor.
high temperature properties creep fatigue reduced activation steels CuCrZr alloy
E. Cippo Perelli, G. Angella, R. Donnini
MAT-EDDI.1.4.1 D1
Report monitoring meeting 2015.
E. Cippo Perelli, G. Angella, R. Donnini
- EUROFUSION – Work Package WPMAT, task EDDI. Convenzione IENI-IFP CNR, Prot. IENI 4553 del 24/12/2015.