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  • UNITS:
    Via all'Opera Pia, 15
    16145 - Genoa

MErgELab combines expertise on Materials with Electrochemical skills aiming at optimized materials and devices for production, conversion and storage of Energy. As “physical room”, hosted at DICCA – UNIGE, in Via all’Opera Pia 15, MErgELab was established in 2016, thanks to a 15 years old fruitful collaboration between CNR-ICMATE and DICCA on these topics. MErgELab can perform all steps from powder synthesis to pre industrial scale up of devices for energy.

Applications are: SOFC, SOEC, protonic materials, electrode materials, energy storage. MErgELab is equipped for powder technology (Glove box, Equipment for automatic sieving, Low and high energy ball mill, Freeze drying, Solid state and wet chemical synthesis), shaping (Wet powder spraying (WPS), Tape casting and Screen Printing, Uniaxial die pressing of ceramic pellets, High-temperature furnaces (Tmax = 1600 °C), for sintering under controlled atmosphere) and for characterization of solid state electrochemical devices (Test benches for electrochemical characterization of half and complete cell configurations, composed by: H2 generator, mass flow controllers, moisture analyser, high temperature, electrometer, potentiostats and impedance meters, boosters). Finally, optical and electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and thermo - balance (TG-DTA) are also available.

Moreover, the prediction of transport properties and electrochemical performance in SOFC electrodes, is the approach MErgELab looks at for helping the experimental interpretation, in a close and fruitful collaboration with Department of Chemical Engineering Industrial Chemistry and Materials Science, University of Pisa (DICCISM-UNIPI).

MErgELab combines basic and applied research, carries out "third party" contracts in response to quality control needs of industrial companies and is characterized by an intense training activity for young Italian and international students of secondary school (stage), universities (students and doctoral students), Erasmus internships, etc.
The laboratory finally collaborates with other Italian and international companies operating in the field.

    • Modeling of materials at multi scale: simulation of electrochemical behavior of devices by microstructural modeling (DICCISM-UNIPI)
    • Synthesis and processing of oxides: nanopowders, doping, infiltration, sintering (ISTEC, ISMN, Cambridge University)
    • Electrochemical characterization: electrolyte conduction mechanism, defect’s chemistry, electrode reactions, catalysts (UB – Université de Bourgogne, BAS – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
    • Process design: thermodynamic design, thermo/economical assessment (TPG-DIME-UNIGE)
    • Education: Ph.D (UNIGE), Erasmus (Cambridge University), Internship (UB – Université de Bourgogne, secondary school) , Master’s degree (UNIGE)
    energy materials shaping processing electrochemical processes electrochemical solid oxides devices electrochemical modeling

    • S. Presto, A. Barbucci, M. P. Carpanese, F. Han, R. Costa, M. Viviani
      Application of La-Doped SrTiO3 in Advanced Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
      Crystals 2018, 8(3), 134 ; doi:10.3390/cryst8030134
    • R. Pandey, M. Viviani, P. Singh, R. Botter, M. P. Carpanese, A. Barbucci, S. Presto
      The effect of synthesis and thermal treatment on phase composition and ionic conductivity of Na-doped SrSiO3
      Solid State Ionics, 2018, 314, 172
    • M. Mosiałek, R. P. Socha, A. Kežionis, T. Šalkus, E. Kazakevičius, A. F. Orliukas, B. Lis, M. Dudek, M. Kosim, S. Presto, M. Viviani, M. P. Carpanese, A. Barbucci
      Synthesis and electrochemical properties of Ba1–xCaxCe0.9Y0.1O3, 0 < x< 0.1 ceramic proton conducting electrolyte
      International Conference on Catalysis and Surface Chemistry 50-te Ogólnopolskie Kolokwium Katalityczne, 18-23 March, 2018, Kraków
    • M. P. Carpanese, D. Clematis, A. Giuliano, M. Panizza, M. Viviani, S. Presto, A. Barbucci
      Modification of surface chemistry of LSCF and BSCF electrodes through LSM infiltration
      12th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport (ISSFIT-12), Kaunas, Lituania, 3-7 Luglio 2016
    • MErgELab was present, within the CNR stand, at Orientamenti 2018, the exhibition of the school, training, orientation and work, with projects on “Alternanza Scuola Lavoro” and scientific dissemination in Primary and Secondary schools.