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The research activity focuses on the characterisation and physico-chemical modelling of liquid-air and liquid-liquid interfaces in the presence of surfactant and other anphiphilic species, in relation to basic and applicative aspects. In more details, the activity concerns the following areas:

  • Characterization and modelling of adsorption kinetics and interfacial rheological properties of surfactant layers.
  • Development of experimental methods for the dynamic tensiometry and the interfacial rheology on different time-scales - from milliseconds to hours - for liquid interfaces and liquid films.
  • Study of the influence of interfacial properties on the features of emulsions, foams, liquid films (ex., formation, structure, stability etc.) and other liquid disperse systems.
  • Study of the interfacial properties of liquid interfaces in relation to environmental aspects (ex., effects of surface active pollutants on the sea surface).

On top of the regular laboratory experimentation, a peculiar aspect of the research activity concerns the conceiving and utilisation of experiments under weightlessness conditions (microgravity), performed onboard the International Space Station, to deepen specific features in the dynamic behaviour of adsorption layers, emulsions, foams and liquid films.

    • Utilisation of surfactants in the control of the chemico-physical properties of liquid interfaces.
    • Methodologies for dynamic tensiometry and interfacial rheology of liquid interfaces and liquid films.
    • Modelling of transport phenomena and adsorption kinetics in systems containing surfactants and other anphihilic species.
    • Kinetics and thermodynamics of adsorption layers.
    • Formulation and characterisation of emulsions, foams and liquid films.
    • Design, development and support to experiments on liquid interfaces, emulsions and foams under weightlessness conditions (microgravity).

    Owing to the ubiquity of liquid interfaces in technologies, products and in the natural world, the results of this research activity show a large potential for applications and for the comprehension o natural phenomena. More specifically, promising applications are concerned with:
    • Products containing emulsions and foams: oil emulsions and fuels, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, foods, inks and paints, etc.
    • Industrial technologies based on liquid interfaces: chemical technologies, separative processes, nanomaterial production (ex., assembling on droplets), multiphasic flows, spraying, etc.
    • Pollutants effect on liquid interfaces in the natural world: fresh waters, sea-atmosphere interface, sea aerosol, etc.
    • Innovative methodologies for pollutants monitoring based on interfacial properties.
    interfacce liquide tensioattivi anfifilici adsorbimento tensione superficiale reologia interfacciale chimica-fisica delle superfici tensiometria dinamica schiume emulsioni

    • A.G. Bykov, L. Liggieri, B.A. Noskov, P. Pandolfini, F. Ravera, G. Loglio
      Surface dilational rheological properties in the nonlinear domain
      Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 222 (2015) 110-118.
    • E. Guzmán, E. Santini, A. Benedetti, F. Ravera, M. Ferrari, L. Liggieri
      Surfactant induced complex formation and their effects on the interfacial properties of seawater
      Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 123 (2014) 701-709.
    • E. Santini, E. Guzman, M. Ferrari, L. Liggieri
      Emulsions stabilized by the interaction of silica nanoparticles and palmitic acid at the water-hexane interface
      Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 460 (2014) 333-341.
    • E. Santini, E. Guzmán, F. Ravera, M. Ferrari, L. Liggieri.
      Properties and structure of interfacial layers formed by hydrophilic silica dispersions and palmitic acid
      Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 607-615
    • R. Gabrieli, G. Loglio, P. Pandolfini, A. Fabbri, M. Simoncini, V.I. Kovalchuk, B.A. Noskov, A.V. Makievski, J. Krägel, R. Miller, F. Ravera, L. Liggieri
      Spherical cap-shaped emulsion films: Thickness evaluation at the nanoscale level by the optical evanescent wave effect
      Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 413 (2012) 101-107.

    • Fundamental and Applied Studies in Emulsion Stability (Agenzia Spaziale Europea, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, 2010 - 2015).
    • Liquid Film Tensiometer - LIFT (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, 2009 - 2012)
    • CNR-MISE joint programme "Clean Carbon" (2011 - 2013)

    • Max Planck Inst. for Colloids and Interfaces, Germany
    • Univ. Firenze, Dip. Chimica, Italy
    • Univ. Aix-Marseille, MADIREL, France
    • Univ. Techologie Compiègne – Dept. Gènie Chimique, France
    • Aristotle Univ. Thessaloniki, Chemistry Dept., Greece
    • Selex-Galileo, Campi Bisenzio, Italy.