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The Institute has a number of well-equipped laboratories, which allows to operate at various levels of the process of research and technological innovation.
The “Facilities” section of the website offers a complete and detailed tour of these valuable resources.
In addition to this, ICMATE wants to propose a journey that, from week to week, will lead to the discovery of its vast technology park.
This week's featured laboratories
The laboratory is provided with test chambers for the simulation of typical thermodynamic conditions of both spark ignition and diesel engines. Typical gas turbine combustion chamber conditions can also be obtained. In these conditions both spray liquid and vapor phase visualizations are performed. Droplet diameters and velocities measurements by Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) are performed.
- Laser Phase Doppler Anemometry system;
- PCO-Sensicam Camera;
- Intensified Camera PCO-DiCam;
- Laser Ar Ione Spectraphysics;
- Laser Nd:YAG Quantronix;
- National Instruments control and acquisition system.
The Director carries out assigned tasks (see Article 9 in the Rules of Organization and Operation of CNR) with the collaboration of Organizative Units Responsibles, of technical and administrative support units, as well as of the Board of Institute.
Maria Losurdo
PHONE:+39 049 829 5851
FAX:+39 049 829 5853
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Before joining ICMATE as Director, Maria Losurdo served CNR since 1996. She brings more than 25 years of experience in research and higher education to the role. Losurdo received her Chemistry degree from University of Bari in 1990 and her doctorate in Chemistry and Material Science in 1994. She was Adjunct Professor at ECE Department -Duke University, NC, USA and Visiting Scientist at several International Universities, including the Dept of Chemistry at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill -US, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosi-Mexico, the Dept. of Materials Engineering - Shandong University – China and the Department of Chemistry at Seoul National Univ. Korea. She teaches Master and PhD courses on materials processing, engineering and characterization.
Losurdo’s work focuses on nanomaterials growth and characterization, optics, plasmonics, semiconductors growth, and low temperature plasma processing of materials with over 300 publications in various journals. Her research work covers alternative materials for plasmonics, creating the concept of “broadband active tunable phase change plasmonics”. She is active in the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of 2D materials. Nowadays, she is one of the pioneers of the phase-change 2D and transdimensional materials, including novel optically activated phase-change chalcogenides and oxide materials.
Her current research also looks at how to integrate plasmonic systems with chemical, catalytic, sensing, energy and photonic systems.
Losurdo is Elected Member of the IUPAP Committee C10- Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter
She is part of the Horizon Europe EIC-Women Leadership Programme and as of 2008 she has been coordinating several European projects (FP7, H2020, HE) on nanomaterials, 2D materials and optronics . Her work Her most downloaded book, “Ellipsometry at the Nanoscale” was published in 2010 by Springer-Verlag.
Interim Director, Dr. Vincenzo Buscaglia - Genoa (ex-officio member)
Members representative of research and technologist staff:
Members representative of technician and administrative staff:
The main tasks of the staff of the Administrative Secretariat pertaining to the economic and financial resources management are:
- consulting and technical and legal assistance in the negotiation and in the stipulations of contracts of research and technological development or of agreements with third parties or of service contracts (instrumental analysis or product commercialization);
- advice and assistance to Director and Project Managers on programming activities, in the formulation of the budget, in the preparation of financial reports for CNR or for national and international projects or contractors, in processing and analysis of economic data related to research and technological development activities;
- income management, with particular care on financial and tax issues;
- costs management by applying the regulation on Procurement Code (D. Lgs. n . 163/2006).
The activity in human resource management focuses on recruiting, managing, training and wage treatment (including tax and social security):
- recruitment of employees with employment contracts at the expense of internal funds and/or external funding;
- obligations for the activation of contracts with unstructured personnel, from the preparation of the tender to the formation and liquidation of the remuneration, for research fellows and associated personnel;
- assistance and advice to the personnel on matter of tax-benefit aspects of the employment relationship;
- management of the personnel in service for the aspects related to the application of the national collective bargaining agreement - sector of Institutions and R&E Organizations (absences, leave, sickness, mobility, secondments, transfers, resignations);
- expertise in economic treatment of the mission and transfers of the personnel;
Also, the administration provides legal assistance activities to management and to the Delegates of secondary offices within the institutional functions provided according to the legislation from time to time in force, paying organizational and administrative support in the following areas:
- relations with other institutions (Ministries, Regions, Local Authorities, Universities, etc.)
- relations with institutional governing bodies of the CNR (Presidency, General Management, Board of Directors, Scientific Advisory Board, Audit Committee, Evaluation Committee, Board of Institute, ..)
- relations with the independent assessment body of the CNR performance and with the evaluation Panels of the CNR Institutes;
- relations with other scientific institutions, in particular by actively collaborating in the organization of national and international events.