The laboratory is active in the ICMATE unit of Milan from 2014 and we perform synthesis of nanoparticles, like metallic clusters, quantum dots of inorganic semiconductors and carbon quantum dots, surfaces modifications with molecular systems properly designed and functionalized, realization of nano-organized systems through self-assembling and the electrochemical synthesis of oligo-polyconjugated systems. We also perform materials characterizations through classical electrochemical techniques (cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, differential pulsed voltammetry, etc.) and with optical and vibrational spectroscopies (UV-vis and FTIR).

    • Potentiostat METROHM AUTOLAB 128N
    • Spectrophotometer UV-vis Perkin Elmer Lambda 35
    • Fan oven Heraeus
    • Laboratory Centrifuge REMI mod.R-8D
    • Teflon lined stainless steel autoclave for hydrothermal synthesis
Electrochemical Apparatus
UV-visible Spectrometer

Centrifuge and Fan-oven