• Photocatalytic materials are nowadays investigated for different applications. One of the most important deals with pollutants removal from wastewater and air, by means of their mineralization (i.e. conversion in carbon dioxide, water and inorganic salts).
    Photocatalytic properties can be investigated by means of different suitable analytical techniques. Nevertheless, the main requirement is the availability of a suitable experimental set-up for the implementation of the photocatalytic reaction.
    Because of this reason, an ad hoc multi-purposes apparatus was built up for the photoactive materials investigation. The apparatus provides different lighting sources: UV-C lamp at 254 nm, UV-A lamp at 370 nm, Xenon lamp (for solar-like radiation); fluorescent and LED lamps are also available for providing low-energy radiations.
    Photocatalytic tests can be carried out both on powder-like samples in water suspension (with pollutant probe solutions) with submerged (UV-C lamp) or radiating lamps or on solid samples (i.e. wall photocatalytic paints). In the last case the pollutant probe is deposited as a spot on the sample lighted surface. The system development is monitored by means of UV-Vis spectroscopy or colorimetry in order to quantify the pollutant removal with time.

      • Photocatalytic test apparatus
  • Climatic chamber

    Climatic chambers for accelerated ageing tests are devices that simulate special climatic conditions in terms of temperature, humidity, lighting and their combination, for the fast testing of materials and so speeding-up natural longer processes.
    In the Cultural Heritage and in the synthesis of geopolymeric prototypes material areas of interest, very important information can quickly be obtained concerning materials duration.
    Climatic Chambers for the quickened materials ageing are based on the simulation and intensification of the exposure conditions with respect to a specific ageing parameter such as temperature, humidity, UV lighting, salt fog and pollutant gases and their combination. Important information can be gained in few weeks of simulation, against to several months or years in natural environment.

    MAZZALI LABOTEST Climatica M1344

      • MAZZALI LABOTEST Climatica M1344
        • Temperature and RH control
        • Heating-cooling tests
        • Freezing-unfreezing tests
        • Lighting with lamps with different operating frequencies.
        • Salt fog exposure tests
        • Rotating sample holder

    Mechanical tests

    The press operating in ICMATE-CNR laboratory is an equipment designed for compression, flexural and traction vertical tests with automatic load or deformation/displacement control. The device provides load-displacement curves and calculates values of compression, flexural and tensile strength. At present the device is configured for compression and flexural tests.
    The press can analyse small samples (from few cubic centimetres to maximum 150 cc) with digital controlled plates speed (from 0.01 to 51 mm/min) up to maximum 50 kN for compression/flexural tests and 25 kN for traction tests.


      • LOAD CELL CAP. 50 kN
      • LOAD CELL CAP. 2,5 kN
      • FLEXURAL DEVICE with central load