The research is based on the characterization of metallic materials through high resolution electron microscopy and micro-analytical techniques. The investigated materials are mainly devoted to applications for energy production and components for high temperature and extreme conditions (Milan branch), and metal functional materials (Lecco branch).
Both Milan and Lecco research units are outfitted with a high resolution SEM microscope U70 by Hitachi equipped with conventional in-chamber detectors and in-column detectors for high-resolution; a micro-analytical system for energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) with last generation LN-free SDD detector for acquisition rates up to 100,000.0 counts/s; a system for the crystallographic characterization of the surface of bulk samples through analysis of electron backscattered diffraction patterns (EBSD). A detector used for the detection of transmitted electrons (STEM) of thin foils allows to characterize the inner structure ofmaterials, such as dislocation structures and precipitates strengthening metal matrix.
The main areas of investigation developed in Milan branch in collaboration with companies, universities and other research centres, are focused on:
- Deformation structures after creep of steels and nickel based super-alloys for aerospace applications and energy production;
- Fine microstructures produced through rapid cooling and severe plastic deformations;
- Deformation structure, dynamic and static recrystallization through EBSD techniques
- W deposits to simulate the deposition of impurities from the plasma in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor);
- Absorbing coatings produced through plasma spray deposition for millimetre waves.
The main areas of investigation developed by Lecco branch are focused on:
- Oriented microstructures produced through plastic deformation and heat treatments;
- Metallic alloys subjected to treatments with laser, surface modifications, cutting and welding;
- Microstructure of metallic alloys produced by unconventional synthetic techniques.
high resolution sem stem eds ebsd high temperature deformation
A. Paggi, G. Angella, R. Donnini
Strain induced grain boundary migration effects on grain growth of an austenitic stainless steel during static and metadynamic recrystallization
Materials Characterization 107 (2015), pp. 174-181. -
E. Vassallo, R. Caniello, G. Angella, D. Dellasega, G. Granucci, et al.
Retention of nanocrystalline WNx layers exposed to high-fluence deuterium plasmas
Journal of Nuclear Materials 466 (2015), pp. 621-626. -
M. De Angeli, L. Laguardia, G. Maddaluno, E. Perelli Cippo, D. Ripamonti, et al.
Investigation on FTU dust and on the origin of ferromagnetic and lithiated grains
Nuclear Fusion 55 (2015), pp. 1-9. -
M. De Angeli, G. Maddaluno, L. Laguardia, D. Ripamonti, E. Perelli Cippo, M.L. Apicella, et al.
Dust characterization in FTU tokamak
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 463 (2015), pp. 847-850. -
A. Castellero, D. Lussana, D. Ripamonti, G. Angella, M. Baricco
Cold rolling of amorphous/crystalline Ag73.2Cu17.1Zr9.7 composite
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 615 (2014), pp.S79–S84. -
L. Wang, G. Huang, Z. Shi, H. Zhang, P. Bassani, M. Vedani, F. Pan
The effects of detwinning on the mechanical properties of AZ31B magnesium alloy with different strain rates at 423K
Materials Science & Engineering A 612(2014), pp. 423–430. -
P. Bassani, M. Breda, K. Brunelli, I. Mészáros, F. Passaretti, M. Zanellato, I. Calliari
Characterization of a Cold-Rolled 2101 Lean Duplex Stainless Steel
Microsc. Microanal. 19 (2013), pp.988–995. -
P. Bassani
Application of electron backscatter diffraction to shape memory alloys
Key Engineering Materials Vol. 521 (2012), pp. 255-268.
A. Paggi, G. Angella, R. Donnini
- PRIN2008
- Contract1 1 TENARIS (2014)
- Contract1 2 TENARIS (2014)
- Convention and/or projects with Institute CNR-IFP;
- Contract SAES Getters (2014)