Project name:EcoShopping - Energy efficient & Cost competitive retrofitting solutions for Shopping buildings
ICMATE involved researchers:
Starting date, ending date and duration:September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2017 (48 months)
Project funding:Research programme supported by EU within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant agreement n° 609180, call FP7-2013-NMP-ENV-EeB.
Links:Web Site: http://ecoshopping-project.euTwitter: @EcoShopping_FP7
Ecoshopping project aims to build a holistic retrofitting solution for commercial buildings to reduce primary energy consumption to less than 80kWh/m2/year and increase the share of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) more than 50% compared to the state of the art. The project will use and integrate available products and technologies to accurately monitor the environmental and occupancy parameters for a better control of the BAM (Building Automation Management).
The approach will be systemic by developing:
- Novel thermal insulation solutions using cost effective materials to further reduce the thermal losses.
- Easy to install and cascadable daylighting technologies based on the NLIS (Natural Light Illumination Systems) system to improve comfort.
- HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) retrofitting systemic approach based on RES direct powered DC variable speed heat pump and harnessing the Building Thermal Mass which will be used as a “Thermal Battery” for storing the RES without using conventional battery.
- Integrated solution way based on the IAU (Intelligent Automation Unit) concept and Mobile Robot.
The role of the ICMATE-CNR can be resumed in the following points:
- development of improved titanium dioxide-based photocatalysts for indoor applications, their synthesis, characterization and photoactivity evaluation.
- comparison of the prepared samples with commercial photocatalytic paints for indoor application as well as literature reference compounds.
- application of the most promising compound on the refurbished demo building as indoor paint and effectiveness evaluation for a one year period for the volatile organic compounds (which cause illness and bad-feelings) reduction.