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- P. Guerriero ICMATE – CNR, Italy
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- POLAR: Catalogo collettivo dei periodici AdR
- KHOA : Catalogo collettivo delle monografie AdR
- Cat@logo: Catalogo Collettivo del Sistema Bibliotecario del CNR
- BICE: Biblioteca Centrale del CNR
- SBA: Catalogo del Sistema Bibliotecario Padovano
- SBN: Catalogo del Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale
ACNP: Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici italiani
- Elenco Norme tecniche CNR
- Reaxys
ChemSpider (The free chemical database)
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- Web of Knowledge - BIOSIS Scitation Index
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Web of Knowledge - Data Citation Index
- Web of Knowledge - MEDLINE
Web of Knowledge - Zoological Record
Zentralblatt Math
- SciVerse ScienceDirect is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from over 3,500 journals and more than 34,000 books.
- Natural product updates Natural Product Updates is a literature updating service keeping you current with recent developments in natural products chemistry.
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- American Physical Society (APS)
- Annual Reviews (AR)
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- Elsevier e Cell Press
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- Analytical abstracts
- Catalysts & catalysed reactions
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