• A Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) can perform morphological investigation of samples having various morphologies and characteristics. In fact, various materials have been analyzed so far: metals, ceramics (alumina, zirconia, composites, advanced ceramics for ionic conduction, etc.), coatings and various samples having different size and composition also as service for industries or other labs. The FE-SEM is equipped with EDS detector for compositional analysis and mapping. Furthermore, a heating stage (up to 800°C) inside the chamber of analysis allows morphological observations in temperature.
    To analyze insulating materials a deposition of a very thin metal coating can be assured by PVD.

      • FE-SEM Sigma Zeiss
      • EDS Oxford X-MAX
      • Tavolino riscaldante Kammrath & Weiss

  • The laboratory is equipped with a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) FEI Quanta 200F (FEI), operating also in low vacuum, which allows the direct investigation of the sample or as cross section. A SEM analysis provides information concerning sample morphology at micro and nanoscale level and surface composition. The images are obtained by means of secondary or back-scattered electrons (SE or BSE respectively) analysis. The microscope can also provide structural information by the investigation of back-scattered electron diffraction (EBSD) followed by software data processing and compositional information by X-ray spectrometry analysis also combined with BSE imaging.

    Fig. 1) FEI Quanta 200F

    In the same laboratory three optical microscopes are also available. In detail: Olympus SZX12, Olympus BX51 and Leitz Ergolux allow the direct investigation of the sample or as cross section , providing coloured 3D images (stereo-microscopy) or 2D (classic optical microscopy). The optical microscopes can also operate with a digital camera or with a PC interfaced camera, thus allowing the direct storage of HD images of the sample.

    Fig. 3) Olympus SZX12
    Fig. 4) Leitz Ergolux
      • FEI Quanta 200F
      • Olympus SZX12
      • Olympus BX51
      • Leitz Ergolux