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Fabrizio Valenza
Contact Info
Fabrizio Valenza
+39 010 647 5711
"author": "Valenza F., Sobczak N., Sobczak J., Nowak R., Muolo M.L., Passerone A., Sitzia S., Cacciamani G.",
"title": "Wetting and interfacial phenomena in Ni-Cr-Hf/sapphire systems",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.10.007",
"journal": "Journal of the European Ceramic Society",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "40 (2020) 521-528"
"author": "Gambaro S., Valenza F., Cacciamani G., Muolo M.L., Passerone A., Toche F., Chiriac R., Dezellus O.",
"title": "High-temperature-reactivity of AlTi alloys in contact with SiC",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152715",
"journal": "Journal of Alloys and Compounds",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "817, (2020) 152715"
"author": "Casalegno V., Valenza F., Balagna C., Sedlák R., Girman V., Salvo M., De la Pierre des Ambrois S., Ferraris M.",
"title": "Characterisation of joined surface modified SiCf/SiC composites",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.10.133",
"journal": "Ceramics International",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "46 (4), (2020) 4159-4166"
"author": "Fu W., Passerone A., Bian H., Hu S., Zhao Y., Song X., Wang M., Valenza F.",
"title": "Wetting and interfacial behavior of Sn–Ti alloys on zirconia",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-018-2829-8",
"journal": "Journal of Materials Science",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "54(1), (2019) 812-822"
"author": "Valenza F., Gambaro S., Muolo M.L., Salvo M. Casalegno, V.",
"title": "Wetting of SiC by Al-Ti alloys and joining by in-situ formation of interfacial Ti3Si(Al)C2",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2018.04.025",
"journal": "Journal of the European Ceramic Society",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "38 (2018) 3727-3734"
"author": "Valenza F., Sobczak N., Sobczak J., Nowak R., Muolo M.L., Passerone A., Sitzia S., Cacciamani G.",
"title": "Wetting and interfacial phenomena in Ni-Cr-Hf/sapphire systems",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.10.007",
"journal": "Journal of the European Ceramic Society",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "40 (2020) 521-528"
"author": "Gambaro S., Valenza F., Cacciamani G., Muolo M.L., Passerone A., Toche F., Chiriac R., Dezellus O.",
"title": "High-temperature-reactivity of AlTi alloys in contact with SiC",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.152715",
"journal": "Journal of Alloys and Compounds",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "817, (2020) 152715"
"author": "Casalegno V., Valenza F., Balagna C., Sedlák R., Girman V., Salvo M., De la Pierre des Ambrois S., Ferraris M.",
"title": "Characterisation of joined surface modified SiCf/SiC composites",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2019.10.133",
"journal": "Ceramics International",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "46 (4), (2020) 4159-4166"
"author": "Fu W., Passerone A., Bian H., Hu S., Zhao Y., Song X., Wang M., Valenza F.",
"title": "Wetting and interfacial behavior of Sn–Ti alloys on zirconia",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-018-2829-8",
"journal": "Journal of Materials Science",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "54(1), (2019) 812-822"
"author": "Valenza F., Gambaro S., Muolo M.L., Salvo M. Casalegno, V.",
"title": "Wetting of SiC by Al-Ti alloys and joining by in-situ formation of interfacial Ti3Si(Al)C2",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2018.04.025",
"journal": "Journal of the European Ceramic Society",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "38 (2018) 3727-3734"
- Laurea in Ingegneria Chimica presso l’Università di Genova (2004)
- Dottorato in Scienza e Ingegneria dello Spazio (2008), Tesi: “Ceramic Thermal Protection System and metal-ceramic joining technologies”
Le sue principali attività di ricerca riguardano:
- Studi sperimentali e teorici di bagnabilità di ceramici da parte di metalli liquidi, di interazioni metallo-ceramico e di proprietà di superficie dei materiali ad alte temperature.
- Tecnologie di giunzione metallo-ceramico; studio dell’influenza di microstruttura, proprietà interfacciali e parametri di processo sulle prestazioni meccaniche dei giunti.
Coinvolto in vari Progetti nazionali ed europei con ruoli sia scientifici che di coordinamento, è autore o co-autore di circa 45 articoli su riviste ISI (H-index:15) e 20 capitoli di libro e atti di convegno.
Degree in Chemical Engineering at Genoa University (2004)
PhD in Space Science and Engineeering (2008)
His main research activities deal with:
Experimental and theoretical studies of wetting of ceramics by liquid metals, of metal-ceramic interactions, and of surface properties of materials at high temperatures.
Metal-ceramic joining technology; study of the influence of microstructure, interface properties and process parameters on the mechanical performance of brazed joints.
Involved in several National and European Projects with both scientific and coordinating roles, he is author and co-author of about 45 papers on ISI journals (H-index:15), and 20 book chapters and conference proceedings.