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Laura Crociani
Contact Info
Laura Crociani
+39 049 829 5903
"author": "Rubio Arias J. J.; Crociani L.; Soares I. T.;, Custodio Mota I.; Pedroso Silva Santos B.; Valaskic R.; De Fátima Vieira Marques M.",
"title": "Synthesis of conjugated polymers with directly coupled 2-butyloctyloxybenzodithiophene and benzothiadazole units for application as active layers in organic solar cells",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2019.104355",
"journal": "Reactive and Functional Polymers",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2019, 144, 104355"
"author": "Crociani L.; Ruggiero L.",
"title": "Synthetic Methodologies For Nanocontainers",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-816770-0.00003-4",
"journal": "Elsevier Ltd, Oxford (Regno Unito) in Smart Nanocontainers, 2019 Editors: Phuong Nguyen Tri Trong-On Do Tuan Anh Nguyen",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": ""
"author": "Negro E.; Nale A.; Vezzù K.; Pagot G.; Herve Bang Y.; Polizzi S.; Colombo M.; Prato M.; Crociani L.; Bonaccorso F.; Di Noto V.",
"title": "(Co, Ni)Sn-0.5 Nanoparticles Supported on Hierarchical Carbon Nitride-Graphene-Based Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1002/celc.201800664",
"journal": "ChemElectroChem",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2018, 5, 2029–2040"
"author": "Ruggiero L.; Crociani L.; Zendri E.; El Habra N.; Guerriero P.",
"title": "Incorporation of the zosteric sodium salt in silica nanocapsules: synthesis and characterization of new fillers for antifouling coatings",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.12.228",
"journal": "Applied Surface Science",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2018, 439, 705-711"
"author": "Oliveira A.L.C.; Ferreira L.C.; Dias M.L.; Bitzer R.S.; Nascimento M.A.C.; Marques M.D.F.V.; Crociani L.",
"title": "Synthesis and Application of Bimetallic Zinc(II) Phenoxy-Imine Complexes as Initiators for Production of Lactide Polymers",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.21577/0103-5053.20170131 ",
"journal": "J. Braz. Chem. Soc.",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2018, 29(2), 217-225"
"author": "Rubio Arias J. J.; Crociani L.; Soares I. T.;, Custodio Mota I.; Pedroso Silva Santos B.; Valaskic R.; De Fátima Vieira Marques M.",
"title": "Synthesis of conjugated polymers with directly coupled 2-butyloctyloxybenzodithiophene and benzothiadazole units for application as active layers in organic solar cells",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2019.104355",
"journal": "Reactive and Functional Polymers",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2019, 144, 104355"
"author": "Crociani L.; Ruggiero L.",
"title": "Synthetic Methodologies For Nanocontainers",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-816770-0.00003-4",
"journal": "Elsevier Ltd, Oxford (Regno Unito) in Smart Nanocontainers, 2019 Editors: Phuong Nguyen Tri Trong-On Do Tuan Anh Nguyen",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": ""
"author": "Negro E.; Nale A.; Vezzù K.; Pagot G.; Herve Bang Y.; Polizzi S.; Colombo M.; Prato M.; Crociani L.; Bonaccorso F.; Di Noto V.",
"title": "(Co, Ni)Sn-0.5 Nanoparticles Supported on Hierarchical Carbon Nitride-Graphene-Based Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1002/celc.201800664",
"journal": "ChemElectroChem",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2018, 5, 2029–2040"
"author": "Ruggiero L.; Crociani L.; Zendri E.; El Habra N.; Guerriero P.",
"title": "Incorporation of the zosteric sodium salt in silica nanocapsules: synthesis and characterization of new fillers for antifouling coatings",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.12.228",
"journal": "Applied Surface Science",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2018, 439, 705-711"
"author": "Oliveira A.L.C.; Ferreira L.C.; Dias M.L.; Bitzer R.S.; Nascimento M.A.C.; Marques M.D.F.V.; Crociani L.",
"title": "Synthesis and Application of Bimetallic Zinc(II) Phenoxy-Imine Complexes as Initiators for Production of Lactide Polymers",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.21577/0103-5053.20170131 ",
"journal": "J. Braz. Chem. Soc.",
"year": "",
"volume": "",
"pages": "2018, 29(2), 217-225"
Laurea cum laude in Chimica e Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze Chimiche presso l’ateneo di Padova
Attività lavorativa e campi di ricerca
Da fine 2001 è ricercatore presso l’istituto ICIS, oggi, ICMATE, del CNR di Padova. Ha svolto attività di ricerca in Irlanda, Australia e Inghilterra. Ha pubblicato articoli in riviste internazionali dell’ACS, Wiley e Elsevier, venendo anche chiamata a referare articoli per alcune riviste di tali case editrici. E’ autrice di un brevetto italiano e statunitense sulla sintesi di Mg(BH4)2. Ha una lunga esperienza nel campo della sintesi e caratterizzazione di complessi inorganici e metallorganici con metalli di transizione e non con applicazione nel campo dello studio della comunicazione elettronica in complessi multimetallici, deposizione chimica da fase vapore, dell’energetica, della oligomerizzazione delle olefine e elettrocatalisi.
Crociani Laura, born in 1970, degree in chemistry (laurea cum laude) and PhD in Chemical Sciences at the University of Padua, Italy; since the end of 2001 chemical scientist at ICIS, now ICMATE, at CNR in Padua. She has been doing research in Ireland, Australia and England; she has published articles in ACS, Wiley and Elsevier, being also a reviewer for some journals. She is also author of an Italian and US patent about the synthesis of Mg(BH4)2. She is in the editorial board of the Journal of Chemistry, Hindawi. She is particularly experienced in the synthesis and characterization of inorganic and metallorganic complexes of both transition and not transition metals with application in the field of the study of electronic communication in multimetallic complexes, chemical vapour deposition, energetics, olefin oligomerization and electrocatalysis.